Wednesday, April 7, 2010

#12 Walk Across A Tree Bridge

J and I went hiking up in Chicopee Woods awhile back. J is not one for sticking to paths and I am not one to bow out too easily. Since beginning this list, I have at least tried things out. Now, I may have chickened out afterward but you gotta start somewhere.

In this first hiking trip, J decided he wanted to cross a tree that had fallen across the creek instead of taking the well built bridge designed specifically for us to use. No surprise. And close behind was me... slightly freaking out and trying not to show it. J crossed the tree with no problem. I started and along come a couple of awkward hikers trying to cheer me on. Oddly enough, it made me feel even worse. That whole patronizing... "Come on, you can do it!" that you give toddlers when they are taking their first steps. I got about half way and just couldn't do it. I managed to sit down and then scoot the rest of the way. What a doofus! It was then that "walk across a tree bridge" became part of my list.

This day though... We had listened to a service at church about Optimism vs. Pessimism. This particular service focused on having Eternal Hope, Eventual Hope & Everyday Hope. It's a great message (check out to watch/listen to the message - shameless plug, I know).

Anyhow, that afternoon we decided to go hiking again at Chicopee Woods. Early into our hike, we came across a fallen tree over a small creek. It seemed like a good place to start as a way to cross this off the list. Well, the trunk was a bit too weak to carry me and I chickened out. It wasn't just a matter of me sitting and scooting. I just quit. I gave up, turned around and headed for the bridge. I was so frustrated and deflated. In my head, I kept thinking "I am never going to do this. It's never going to happen." And then bits of the message came to me and my thoughts changed and out of my mouth came "I'm going to eventually make it across a tree bridge." It really felt so liberating to just say those words. They freed me up of the weights that were keeping me down.

Not long after, we came across the same tree bridge that had defeated me before. J asked if I wanted to try it again. I felt a bit more confident thinking "This tree is MUCH wider than the one I just tried. I can probably do this."

I started across it... Slowly... Very slowly.

J followed closely behind. Quietly encouraging me. One step at a time I got closer to the other side. One step at a time I realized I was further along than I was the first time I tried. One step more and I made it. I let out a huge breath. My heart started beating again. And then we realized we didn't have a picture of it. ... dang.

It wasn't good enough to stand at the end and get the picture. I walked halfway back. Managed to turn around and got the documentation I needed to 'prove' I had really done it.

How wonderful that admitting it led me to eventually doing it? I had in my head that I would eventually, one day down the road, be able to accomplish this. I know that many things do not happen as quickly. Eventually could be 22 years - like Joseph waiting to become second in command of Egypt. Luckily for me, 'eventually' was today. It was great. I hope I remember this attitude during times when eventually feels like never... I hope you do, too.

TASK #12 ... COMPLETED 3/14

1 comment:

  1. Hey Ana-I enjoyed reading your blog- Great job on crossing the tree bridge too! yay! I got to be at 12stone for the 'are you an optimist or a pessimist'sermon...oh how I miss it! Anyway, thanks for sharing your journey...:)
